3rd highest goalscorer for Romford Town, John McGhee recently attempted to bring the magic of Romford Town back
to life with a roll call of players who would be interested in breathing new life into the ex 5-a-side outfit.
Unfortunately, the problems which plagued the team for the last few seasons reared it's ugly head once again as not enough
players were able to commit to the resurection of the Towners experience.
Ready to manage the team into the insertion of 5-a-side competition once more, John McGhee contacted a myriad of
ex-players in the hope of gaining enough players and experience to field a competetive team. With John still unabale
to play every 3rd week due to work commitments and the definate yes of only three other players the Towners were unable to
generate enough interest. The enigmatic Roger Westwood was ready to jump back into 5-a-side mayhem as well as other
outfield players Daniel Monteith-Knight and ex-boss, Rickee Murrell.
Meanwhile, new commitments to some of these players mean that had the Towners reformed, at least two players would have
dropped out of the team had they played on a Wednesday or Thursday. Also a recent injury to ex-fans favourite Roger
Dogs would have left the team forfitting many more matches than they could afford.