The football world was rocked last night when ex-player manager Rickee Murrell confirmed that he would be opening his account
once again for Romford Town. The Towner revival was brought about by Chris Jones when he announced in a press conference
on the 12th February that the Towners would rise again.
It was later announced that McGhee had found the old Romford Town all-time top scorers list, players found old Towner kits
and long time retired ringers and all-stars would be involved in the clubs roster.
Bringing the club into the 21st Century, player-manager Chris Jones started a 'Whatsapp' group enabling players new and
old to discuss match plans and tactics.
On the day of love, based around the historic activities of Saint Valentine, the cherry on the cake was added as it was
also announced that the clubs pledge and tagline was to remain - Motion + Emotion = Promotion.