Player Ratings
Roger Westwood - We all know why and I think we all know it
was a goal to remember. Every person affiliated in any way with Romford Town has been waiting for that goal to come
for ages now. Sure, Hammond had a good game and scored the most goals, sure DMK did better whis week to stick a few
away and yeah Murrell is the best player every week, but Rog is my man of the match for the profound effect of scoring his
wondergoal, well done fella.
Chris Jones - Just fell to bits from the off. Ha ha, to be fair they could've got a lot more and
although he wasn't on form (role it to OUR players Jones) he still pulled off a few wicked saves. The opposition had
a good shot (how many of their shots went over?) and Jones stopped some nice pops. Looking forward to seeing him
outfield where he belongs next week.
John McGhee - Had a good game, with some hard tackles and half-decent shots in the middle of the park.
Of course, popped those 2 in to extend on the first ever Romford Town goal.
Steve Hammond - Nice performance and some lovely goals. Could've got a few more and he knows it
but you can't complain when the geezers scored more goals in one game than most will in the season. Maybe pass more,
there's no I in TEAM. Apparently. :)
DMK - Wicked game tonight. Dunno how many goals he really scored and we'll probably never know
but who cares he did well anyway! A nice performance with all the sweet footwork, decent passing and goals you could
Ben Brace - Some unlucky chances to extend his goal count but was mainly there as the iron fist
of the team. Cracking into tackles and teaching the opposition a thing or two about silky skills.
Rickee Murrell - Scored the shittest goal in Romford Town history but came close on a couple of occasions.
Still as well-endowed as last week.