Towners frontman Rickee Murrell expressed relief this week after announcing a full team will be fielded
against old rivals, the Rejects.
Ready to grab the first win of the season will be player-manager Murrell, Assistant gaffer, Chris Jones, back from another
weeks healing for his ongoing leg injury, the ever fabulous skills and shots of Roger Dogs, the anticipated return of striker
Stevey Hammond, back from another weeks healing himself and his formerly broken ankle. Jimmy White also returns to goals,
looking almost like a permanent replacement for long time injured and now playing cricket Stu Pac. John McGhee ducks
out for this game with work but the likes of DMK returns to Goals for his first game of the season, missing last weeks to
go down the pub, no doubt to down a few Murrells, chat up some Hammonds and get Montieth-Knighted. As ever, the magnificence
of Mike Fermin in between the Towner sticks begins as part of a solid line up, loking to take their first victory of the season.
Rejects have began their campaign recording a loss but this may be a lie just like the position that the Towners find
themselves in, recording a win after last week when we actually lost. Either way, the Towners have a distinct history
with the Rejects, playing in seperate leagues last season but before that the games were always physical, just ready to boil
over into a huge 10 man ruck!